About and Contact Me

Contact me:

Twitter: @KatlynnMcNabbb

Email Me: qticejumper@gmail.com

Contact me about anything! Advice, want me to feature you? Send me an email!

I'll tell you about myself, because I'm sure you guys are wondering now, hm?
Hello my name is Katlynn McNab I am in love with fashion. Obviously right? It all started from when i was really little. I believe it all started with barbie's. They always had to have the right clothes, the right shoes, and of course the right car. Even though that has nothing to do with style.. Well somewhat. Then when I got older and started figuring out that I could do this to myself with the clothes and put together fun looks and actually go out with them on, I fell in love with it. I believe I was about 7 or 8 then. My parents have always told me I was going to do great things and become my own person and work for myself. They always told me to from such a young age to even today and probably for forever, that I always have to be in the know. Always. I like to talk and love to work. I'm always doing something and always busy, but always the be the best and have new things come my way constantly. You guys will learn a lot about me through my twitter and through my blog. Its me 100% and nothing less.